PRP for Under Eye

Under Eye Darkness and Circles

Under eye darkness and circles are unpleasant for both men and women. We look tired even when we don’t feel that way! This can impact our self-image and decrease our confidence. Under eye darkness is caused by a combination of heredity, genetics, sun damage and aging. Now we can fix this naturally using your own platelet rich plasma. Say goodbye to those under eye circles!

What is Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP?

Platelet rich plasma, commonly referred to as PRP, is a treatment where blood is drawn, similar to a routine blood test, then prepared using a centrifuge to produce a concentration of plasma, rich with platelets. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been used for decades in various medical disciplines to repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

How does PRP injections for under eye darkness work?

Utilizing PRP injections under the eyes stimulates growth of collagen and elastin due to the growth factors and cytokines found in plasma. Treatment is typically performed in 4 cycles a month apart. Results generally last six to twelve months. PRP under-eye treatment is an excellent way to treat dark circles, tighten loose skin, increase blood flow to this region.

This is true “liquid gold.”

Benefits of PRP for under eye

  • Improve Dark Circles
  • Rejuvenated Appearance
  • Repair Collagen & Elastin Layer
  • Improve Crepe-like Skin

What should I expect at my first PRP consultation and treatment?

Upon arrival at Healthy Skin Centre, you will have your history taken along with pictures of your face. One of our staff will then take your blood from a vein in your arm. This part of the procedure is similar to doing a blood test at a lab. Your blood contains the platelets, growth factors, and white blood cells that will be concentrated by our centrifuge to inject into your skin. We use very tiny needles and micro-cannula to inject the under eye area.

How long does a PRP treatment for under eye take?

PRP under eye treatments take between 45 to 60 minutes.

Are PRP injections safe?

Since PRP is derived from your own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection. It is the natural way to heal body tissue and rejuvenate your skin.

How many PRP treatments are required?

We recommend 4 PRP sessions in total, once a month for three months then one more treatment at six months.  To maintain your results, repeat PRP treatment is recommended every 6 to 12 months.

How soon can I see results?

You will begin to see results of your PRP under eye treatment by the third treatment. There will be an overall improvement in skin texture and decreased darkness. Further improvement occurs with each treatment.

Do PRP injections under the eye hurt?

There is minimal discomfort during treatments. We recommend taking Tylenol an hour before and ensuring you are well hydrated. At Healthy Skin Centre, we ensure your comfort by using vibration or a local numbing cream for sensitive patients. Most patients, report no pain following treatment only a sensation of pressure under the eye.

What should I do before my PRP treatment?

We recommend avoiding the following for at least 7 days before your treatment as they will increase your risk of bruising: Aspirin, Advil/Ibuprofen, Motrin, Naproxen, fish oil and garlic. We also recommend drinking at least 1 L of water and being well hydrated in the 24 hours before your PRP treatment.  Do not stop Aspirin if you are taking it for a medical condition as recommended by your doctor.

What should I expect post treatment?

The under eye area will appear swollen from the PRP fluid in that area for at least 24 hours. So don’t plan a big event right after your session! You can resume all normal activities immediately post treatment though we recommend avoiding going for a massage or a facial treatment for at least 24 hours.  There may be some bruising which will resolve naturally.

Why choose Healthy Skin Centre for PRP?

We have a wide range of PRP treatment options so you get the solution that is right for you, including PRP with microneedling, PRP with direct injection and PRP with topical products. We track your PRP treatment progress photographically, so you can see the results of each treatment. And, as with all our treatments, PRP is performed by our expert physicians who have over 15 years of experience in cosmetic dermatology.

Located in New Westminster, British Columbia, Healthy Skin Centre serves clients from Vancouver, Port Moody, Coquitlam, Burnaby, and the Greater Vancouver Area.

Contact us for more information about Platelet Rich Plasma and under eye darkness. Call us today at 604.553.7546 (SKIN) and book yourself a private and confidential consultation.

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